“That’s between me and the Danes, Private”–Skipper

Posted in Life with tags , , , on April 26, 2009 by breakingmolly

Okay, so I’ve been watching an obscene amount of Penguins of Madagascar lately.
Holy crap! Best. Show. Ever!
Rico’s my favorite. I sort of wish I had the ability to regurgitate explosives. Frikkin’ boss.
I’m so anxious right now, as well. I’m waiting to hear back about an internship in Indiana at a summerstock theater. Keep your fingers crossed!
I’m also excited about moving out in August. A good friend of mine and I are getting an apartment in a larger town. We’re also starting a line of Lolita (has nothing to do with sex, you perverts) clothing. Most of the business plan has been laid out to make it both efficient and easy to do for two people who are also going to school full time! hahaha
More on that later, though.
Well, I really don’t have anything else interesting to report now. I’ve gotta go finish up some psychology homework. Whoo.

keep li/oving,

Ever since then, the cow’s been…kinda jumpy–“Over the Moon”-RENT

Posted in BDSM, Life with tags , , , on April 9, 2009 by breakingmolly

We’ve been horribly remiss in updating, and I can’t beg forgiveness enough.
Well…I CAN, but I’m being polite and repentant.
Life has a funny way of raping you sideways and keeping you busy when you least expect it, and it has been doing so quite skillfully lately (and not in the good way, either).
Ah, college.
This morning, Sir and I finally got around to having a bit of…personal time. It was absolutely fabulous until the, “go online and blog this. NOW.” part. Do you know how excruciating it is to pull away from a soaking wet pussy to type? Extraordinarily so, as it turns out. I’ve never been good at typing one-handed, so I’m squirming and writhing whilst trying to bang out a new entry as expediently as possible!
Now, if you don’t mind…I’ve got some business to attend to.
Oh, and I promise the updates will be far more frequent from now on! It’s just been a hectic few weeks. :/

Keep li/loving,

Danny Elfman is my hero…

Posted in BDSM, Life with tags , , , on March 19, 2009 by breakingmolly

Once again, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the post.
I just happen to like Danny Elfman’s work because he’s a brilliant composer.

Again, todaay, Sir is the responsible adult, and I’m stuck at home. Though my house-arrest is due to the fact that I’m stupid and eat really greasy pizza late at night. Again. Without fail, between two and four in the morning, my stomach goes, “WTF, YOU CRAZY BITCH?@!!?!?#@one1” and I spend a while meditating on the porcelain altar. It’s quite upsetting.

The upside of this whole situation is that today was a repeat performance of Tuesday morning. Delicious.

Afterwards, I got the yen to change my nipple rings out. I got them pierced about a month ago with straight barbells. They’ve healed fairly well, but the left one was giving me issues. I think the barbell was too short. I decided to change them out this morning. Not only that, but I’ve gone up a gauge as well. I’m currently sitting here playing with my new 12G piercings. Though I’m not into needle and piercing play, there’s something erotic about cold metal through flesh. It’s a nice feeling. I’m probably going to go shopping for brand spanking new rings for my tatas tomorrow.

Well, I think that’s all I have to say for now.

Keep li/oving,


Posted in BDSM, Life with tags , , on March 17, 2009 by breakingmolly

I stayed home from school today, thanks to a few slices of greasy pizza and a sleepless night.

Hence the back-to-back updates.

Sir was at work (because he is a far more responsible adult than I am, lol), and I was bemoaning both my illness and the fact that I was uncontrollably horny earlier today.

Now, what ensued is probably going to be far less embarrassing to read than it is to write. Here goes:

He bade I remove my clothing, which I did. One of the best things about being home by myself is the fact that I can be nude and masturbate in peace. Multiple times.
Next, Sir told me to gently rub my clit and pinch my nipples. That felt fabulous! My nipples are pierced and I though the whole increased sensitivity thing was a lie. It’s SO not. He then told me to finger my pussy, which I did. I slipped in two fingers and slowly began moving them in and out. By this point, I’m soaking wet. I can feel it dripping down the inside of my thighs and the back of my hand. I started rubbing my clit as well, because I could feel the heat of impending orgasm thrumming between my hipbones. It’s a delicious feeling. I got a final mandate, “cum for me little girl.” That did it! Within four or five seconds, I was a whimpering, quivering mess of sweat and sex…with myself. lol

It was fun, and I told him so. Sir said walking around at work with a raging hard-on wasn’t quite as fun. I laughed on the inside, which was perhaps not the best idea. Seriously, can he hear me fucking think?! After a few more minutes of random chit-chat, he told me to remain naked, put a pillow between my thighs, and grind my pussy on it…while writing this entry. There’s a good reason for double-updating.

Now that I’m barely able to contain myself and almost completely horror-stricken to boot, I’m going to go…again. Tomorrow, I may not be able to move lol

Keep li/oving,
(a very embarrassed) Molly

1, 2, 3, 4…-Feist

Posted in BDSM with tags , on March 17, 2009 by breakingmolly

Okay, so the title has nothing to do with this post.
I just like that song.
So sue me.

Anyway, today Sir mandates that I write more (not saying that I MIND writing, simply that he told me to do so today).

Anyway again, I’ve been having lots of naughty public play thoughts. Nothing terribly scandalous, but restaurants and remote controlled vibrators seem like they can be a lot of fun. He’s mentioned something of the sort before, but my mind has expounded upon the idea. I’d love to go out to eat with both a remote vibrator and a plug in. Throughout dinner, he would have my reactions completely at his discretion. I can just imagine trying to control myself while both completely filled and vibrating. Hehe.

To add insult to injury (for lack of a better turn of phrase), I’d love for him to have me go to the loo, remove my panties, and leave them on the table when we leave.

Aside from the fact that the situation would be completely mortifying (yum), I’m sure that the busboy would have a fairly interesting story to tell for a few weeks.

Anyway, now that I’m all hot and bothered, I’ve got some business to attend to.

Keep li/loving,

South America…

Posted in Life with tags , on March 15, 2009 by breakingmolly

Last night was devoted to work.
This morning was devoted to exploring Brazil.
Sir approves.

Keep li/loving,

Falling off the edge of the earth…

Posted in BDSM with tags , , , on March 14, 2009 by breakingmolly

So, thanks to Sir talking about suspensions and/or bondage in general for a MAJORITY of yesterday, I had a dream about…
you guessed it!
Suspension bondage.
Sir built an entire system of suspension hooks over the bed (because, knowing how accident-prone I am, were I suspended over a floor, i would fall and crack my noggin open like a casaba melon), and he had the really badass, giant, like, hundred-fucking-dollar suspension rings that are “made from the same steel as airplanes.” lol I made fun of him for it in the dream, which was a HORRIBLE idea, mind you. Not the fact that he bought nice suspension rings, but the fact that he bought the hype kind, because I’m a pretentious bitch. lol If anything has hype, I can’t be associated with it anymore–yep, I’m one of “those.” haha.
So anyway, he decides to test it out on me, and gags me first as punishment for making fun of him (I mean, not that I minded lol…but still, reiterating the fact that it was a bad idea).
Then he somewhat replicated one of the Jim Duvall photographs, with the smiling girl upside down…with purple rope! Gorgeous! Though with the slight additions that I was bound side-saddle and holding on to the pole like I was flying on it. It was pretty fucking awesome.
He, thankfully, let me down after about five minutes or so and ungagged me. I begrudgingly apologized for making fun of him, lol
After that point, though, I woke up because I had to tinkle, as it was around six-thirty in the morning. Hooray bodily functions!
Anyhoo, it’s early, and I should be getting up and about soon. I’m working a concert tonight!

Keep li/oving,

“You think I can’t fly? Well you just watch me…”-“Gravity”, The Dresden Dolls

Posted in 1 with tags , , on March 12, 2009 by breakingmolly

As bizarre and random as the aforementioned quote is, it is startlingly relevant to the topic at hand–suspension bondage!

My obsession with it began when I disovered http://jimduvall.deviantart.com
Jim Duvall is a bondage rigger/photograper, and his work is absolutely stunning, especially his suspensions. There’s one particular piece that strikes my fancy. A girl is hanging upside down, but she looks like she’s flying on a broom. Her face, though, is what makes the picture worthwhile–she’s got this small but radiant smile. When asked to comment it’s because “she enjoyed it.”

Now, this is a very long, circuitous route to get to the point, but I’m obsessed with fairies. I love everything about them, and I’m pretty sure that if it were physically possible for me to grow wings, I would. Taking flight is the ultimate escape, and now back to the point. Suspensions, in my mind, are like flying. It’s like being totally disconnected from the tangible, physical plane of existance. There’s you, there’s rope, there is the sensation of rope against your skin, and there’s the air.

Even the coming-down process seems so amazing. Going from feeling that freedom of flight to touching the ground, seeing the imprints the rope left on your skin. For awhile, at least, you can relive what it’s like to fly. Even if it’s only for another half-hour or so. Maybe I’m idealizing, but still! I like it, gosh darnit!

That’s a feeling that I prize beyond almost any other–the ability to escape the tangible realm (it’s why I read so much!).

Now, back on track–Sir also does rope bondage, and he likes suspensions. I’m hoping he gets a few ideas from Jim Duvall’s dA account, because there’s so much I want to try!

Molly – A Work in Progress…

Posted in BDSM on March 12, 2009 by breakingmolly

Welcome to you all and well met!

Join us here at Breaking Molly and follow our journey together in the world of BDSM and no-holds barred Kink. Molly is quite correct with regard to her description/definition of BDSM. She is such good girl.
She makes her Dom proud. 🙂

It goes deeper than just the label. Deeper than being told what to do. Deeper than the ropes, the gags, the spankings, the “yes Sir, no Sir”….

The connection, the attachment, and the Respect we have for each other rides shotgun with the physical aspect of BDSM.

It is here we shall chronicle our play time together, our plans, our thoughts, and our desires.

Furthermore, this shall be a place for Molly to talk of her assignments pre and post completion. Her rewards and punishments will be here for all to read…and comment….

A little about me : I am a literary fool myself and have, from a very young age, whiled away many a lazy day reading…and skillfully ignoring both my chores and homework. Not much has changed .

When not escaping into a book you may find me out and about kayaking, camping, and hiking. I practice Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism. Not interested in TV but love movies.

Enough of that. Bookmark our site. Come back for more Molly. You know you cannot resist…

Now where did I put that flogger?

Be well,

Every journey begins with a step, trite but true–even here-Cheshire Cat

Posted in BDSM on March 12, 2009 by breakingmolly

I’m Molly, and this is my delightful little corner of the interweb.
From this point forward, this space is going to chronolog Sir’s and my (yes, that’s grammatically correct) adventure into the Wide World of BDSM. For those of you uninitiated into the particulars of kink, that acronym stands for the following: bondage, domination, submission, sadism, and masochism (as I understand correctly, though Sir might have a better definition than I).

Some of this may make loads of sense, some if it may not make a lick of sense to anyone at all (including myself). That’s okay.

“Kink is the intelligent person’s answer to making sex interesting.”–Unknown

I quote things fairly frequently. If I come across an interesting, relevant, funny, or nonsensical quote, it will probably find its way here after an intdeterminate amount of time.

Now, to talk about myself.
I love, love, love books. If you have a book you’d like to suggest, feel free to comment, or send me an email. I’m always online (well, between bouts of life, class, and theater), so I’ll try and respond to inquries in a relatively timely manner.

When I’m not reading, I’m knitting, eating, playing Xbox 360, doing gawd-awful amounts of homework, biking, or sleeping. This fall, I plan on getting a personal trainer, so I’ll also be…gym–ing…?

Well, I do believe that this is all I have to say to the general public, for now. It’s time to wash dishes!

Keep li/loving,