Archive for Jim Duvall

“You think I can’t fly? Well you just watch me…”-“Gravity”, The Dresden Dolls

Posted in 1 with tags , , on March 12, 2009 by breakingmolly

As bizarre and random as the aforementioned quote is, it is startlingly relevant to the topic at hand–suspension bondage!

My obsession with it began when I disovered
Jim Duvall is a bondage rigger/photograper, and his work is absolutely stunning, especially his suspensions. There’s one particular piece that strikes my fancy. A girl is hanging upside down, but she looks like she’s flying on a broom. Her face, though, is what makes the picture worthwhile–she’s got this small but radiant smile. When asked to comment it’s because “she enjoyed it.”

Now, this is a very long, circuitous route to get to the point, but I’m obsessed with fairies. I love everything about them, and I’m pretty sure that if it were physically possible for me to grow wings, I would. Taking flight is the ultimate escape, and now back to the point. Suspensions, in my mind, are like flying. It’s like being totally disconnected from the tangible, physical plane of existance. There’s you, there’s rope, there is the sensation of rope against your skin, and there’s the air.

Even the coming-down process seems so amazing. Going from feeling that freedom of flight to touching the ground, seeing the imprints the rope left on your skin. For awhile, at least, you can relive what it’s like to fly. Even if it’s only for another half-hour or so. Maybe I’m idealizing, but still! I like it, gosh darnit!

That’s a feeling that I prize beyond almost any other–the ability to escape the tangible realm (it’s why I read so much!).

Now, back on track–Sir also does rope bondage, and he likes suspensions. I’m hoping he gets a few ideas from Jim Duvall’s dA account, because there’s so much I want to try!